
Not Insane Productions

(formerly Dum Ass Productions)

The Videos

Mountain High Adaptive Learning Center

Two friends of mine head Mountain High Ski Resorts Adaptive Learning Center. There they teach disadvantaged people how to ski. This video is a still image collage that I made for them, I of course did the photography. The first group are autistic kids and the second group are handicapable folks. Its a great program and they do a fantastic job.

Click on the image to view


An American Story

A brief history about our national debt and how much money this country has spent over the last 7.5 years and what we got for it. A few notes about our President and his administration (at the time).

Click on the image to view

An American Travesty

Another rant by Mr. Green about our economy, money, corporations, CEO's, greed and our "Govment".

Click on the image to view

An American Tragedy

A true story of human rights violations against the Navajo and Hopi Indians in the Four Corners Area of Arizona all in the name of "Clean Coal".

Click on the image to view


The truth behind "clean coal" and weapons of mass destruction.

Arial footage courtesy of David Novack, Burning the Future, Coal in America.

Click on the image to view